Hugs & Hisses

It’s that time of year again, to let significant others or “special someones” in our lives know just how much they mean to us. Roses and diamonds are so...
Valentines Day: Bronx Zoo; Bronx: New York: NYC; BoroBeat; BBNYC

It’s that time of year again, to let significant others or “special someones” in our lives know just how much they mean to us. Roses and diamonds are so cliche…or maybe not…but still, it can be hard to find that unique gift that says “I love you forever”. Well, The Bronx Zoo is making that a little easier.

You don’t always have the right words, but you can still give them goosebumps. Name a Roach for your Valentine, because roaches are forever.

Bronx Zoo

The Bronx Zoo is offering you the opportunity to give the gift that keeps on giving.  You can name a Madagascar hissing cockroach in honor of your significant other or loved one and receive a digital certificate. 

So share all the hugs & hisses you can, and name a roach!

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NYC Folios, Photography, New York City