Lucky for us all, there was no intermission. The Drama Book Shop went straight to the second act with its grand reopening. This specialty shop, a mecca for the theatre community for the past 100 years, was at risk of closing permanently, due to high rents. Thanks to Thomas...
All around the world, we are feeling the extreme impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, aka Coronavirus. This impact reaches beyond the health ramifications because along with it has come social distancing and self-isolation, shortages of all matter of important personal protection equipment (PPE) for our first responders and front-line...
The plastic bag is seeing it’s final days in New York State. Today marks the first day of the New York State Plastic Bag Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Act , otherwise known as the “Plastic Bag Ban”. Under this new law, plastic bag use is banned for distribution by...
Michael Hertz passed away at the age of 87. You can be forgiven for not knowing who he was. But if you have lived in New York City, or even visited, you have come into contact with his work almost every day, as the designer of the New York...