If you’re like many New Yorkers, you may have lost your job, or maybe even your business due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But unlike some, you may have decided to NOT let quarantine-life get the best of you. That’s Claudia Lake and Benjamin Kabin, founders of Newtown Creek Farms in Brooklyn.
Both founders had lost business in their respective professions, due to the pandemic lock-down. But as creators, they tapped into that place and started creating life…by way of microgreens.
Amid a city in crisis, when both their respective careers as a makeup artist and photographer halted, Kobin and Lake decided it was a good a time as any to create life. In April, they bought the supplies to house a hydroponic farm in Williamsburg, and by summer, as the city slowly reopened, Newtown Creek Farms was a functioning microgreenery.
| Read the entire story – @ Today.com|